Download eTakeoff Dimension 6.1-7 Premier Edition (cracked)

Download eTakeoff Dimension 6.1-7 Premier Edition (cracked)
Tool Tip Help On Each Button. Just pause the cursor over any button to get immediate Help. Also, the entire Ribbon bar has context-sensitive Help, so you don’t need to do an exhaustive Help search to get Help specific to where you are in the program – it’s just a click away. Even the workflow is built right into the User Interface!

Very few takeoff products perform a Pattern search as quickly and elegantly as eTakeoff. Pattern Search can be used to find multiple occurrences of symbols representing components that need to be quantified. These symbols can represent material in any trade including door & wall types, fixtures & receptacles, signs, fire alarms, piers, and even landscape material such as trees & shrubs. A symbol is selected in the drawing. eTakeoff then searches the entire drawing (or user defined area) for other occurrences of the symbol. The results are sorted and displayed in a window for review. You can easily select and deselect matches which are then converted into a count measurement.

Assemblies can be created for measurements or for an entire project. Measurement assemblies are called Extensions and allow you to create variables and formulas to calculate quantities based on measurements. This is a powerful capability that lets you completely customize takeoff input to match your own estimating workflow. For example a Wall Extension would assemble the parts of a wall like track, studs, insulation and drywall from the measured length and user input variables such as Wall Height, OC distance, insulation type and track type. Extensions can be as simple as entering the slope for roof pitch or as complicated as assembling all material needed for a concrete slab. Project assemblies accumulate all the measurement assemblies so you can have totals for all necessary materials. Project assemblies can perform further calculations using formulas and variables. Project assemblies are created using the Quantity Worksheet.

Instead of transferring quantities to Excel, formulas can be transferred that refer back to eTakeoff measurements. If the measurements change, the value in Excel is updated to reflect that change. Formulas based on bid codes can also be transferred. The formula calculates the total quantity for all measurements with that bid code. From Excel, the user can drill down on a formula to see the measurement it uses in eTakeoff.

The quantity worksheet is a powerful tool that employs a user-defined structure (such as WBS) to organize and summarize all takeoff measurements, quantities and annotations across the entire project. This provides a complete audit of all takeoff for further analysis and reporting. From the quantity worksheet you can then easily transfer quantities to other applications such as Excel.