Download DNASTAR Lasergene Version 16.0.0 (crack/keygen)

Download DNASTAR Lasergene Version 16.0.0 (crack/keygen)
The DNASTAR Lasergene package includes all of the applications in Lasergene Molecular Biology, Lasergene Protein, and Lasergene Genomics to provide powerful and accurate results for all your analysis needs. Whether your work focuses on next-gen sequencing assembly and analysis, clinical research, or traditional sequence analysis, the DNASTAR Lasergene package will meet your research needs. Find out why users worldwide recognize DNASTAR as a leading software solution for life scientists.
Lasergene Molecular Biology is our comprehensive package of molecular biology software, meeting all of your sequence analysis needs. Supported workflows include performing multiple and pairwise sequence alignments, identifying genes, assembling contigs of Sanger sequences, creating virtual clones, designing primers, and more.
Included Applications: SeqBuilder Pro, MegAlign Pro, SeqMan Pro, GeneQuest,  SeqNinja, and GenVision.

Lasergene Protein provides a robust set of tools for protein sequence analysis, macromolecular visualization, and structure prediction, perfect for structural biologists and molecular biologists interested in protein structure. The foundation of the Lasergene Protein is Protean 3D, which is used to explore macromolecular structure, motion, and function.
Included Applications: Protean 3D, as well as access to the optional Nova applications. Each purchase of Lasergene Protein includes five free predictions for each of our Nova applications for protein structure prediction and modeling.

Lasergene Genomics is next-gen sequencing (NGS) software that keeps it simple, providing everything you need for NGS assembly, alignment, and analysis, in a single integrated package. We support all major NGS technologies, making it easy to work with your data for any type of NGS project.
Included Applications: SeqMan NGen, ArrayStar, GenVision Pro, and SeqMan Pro.